Philodendron Spiritus Sancti Complete Guide

The Philodendron Spiritus Sancti is a plant that combines beauty and uniqueness. Welcome to its fascinating world. Originally from Brazil’s rich, biodiverse jungles, especially the Espirito Santo area, this eye-catching philodendron is a veritable botanical gem. The Philodendron Spiritus Sancti is a favorite among collectors and houseplant enthusiasts due to its beautiful, sword-like leaves that can grow to impressive lengths.

Philodendron Spiritus Sancti Closer Look 

A biological treasure that has won over plant lovers all around the globe, the Philodendron Spiritus Sancti is not your typical houseplant. This unusual philodendron is indigenous to Brazil’s verdant rainforests, especially those in the Espirito Santo area, which is renowned for its abundant variety. The Philodendron Spiritus Sancti is a standout addition to any collection because of its eye-catching, long leaves, which sometimes resemble swords.

Unique Features

  • Visual Appeal: The Philodendron Spiritus Sancti’s leaves have a stunning, glossy shine and a striking deep green color. Under ideal circumstances, they may reach remarkable lengths of up to 3 feet (0.9 meters). The leaves’ form and texture provide a gorgeous tropical look that goes well with a variety of home design motifs.
  • Growth Habit: Because it is a climbing species, this philodendron grows organically upward in its natural environment. It is an excellent choice for vertical gardening as it uses aerial roots to attach to trees and other objects. The Philodendron Spiritus Sancti may grow to considerable heights, displaying its striking leaf, when provided with a moss pole or trellis to climb.
  • Conservation and Rarity: The Philodendron Spiritus Sancti is sadly listed as endangered in its native environment. Because conservation efforts are essential to the preservation of this species, collectors value it highly. Because there are thought to be less than 20 of them in the wild, its cultivation is all the more alluring.

Philodendron Spiritus Sancti Care 

Giving Philodendron Spiritus Sancti the proper care conditions is essential to its success. Regarding light, water, soil, temperature, and humidity, this unusual plant has certain requirements. Below is a summary of every care need:

philodendron spiritus sancti

Light Needs

Bright, indirect light is ideal for Philodendron Spiritus Sancti growth. While inadequate light may cause delayed development and a lanky look, strong sun can burn the leaves and leave them with ugly brown blotches. Your plant should ideally be placed next to an east-facing window so it may get enough light and warmth without being directly exposed to harsh sunlight. If there is a lack of natural light, think about adding brightness using grow lights.

Guidelines for Watering

One of the most important parts of maintaining the Philodendron Spiritus Sancti is watering it. Between waterings, this plant enjoys getting a little dry. Here’s how to tell when watering is necessary:

  • How to Check Moisture: To check the moisture content, stick your finger into the top one to two inches of the soil. It’s time to water if it seems dry. Always water the pot completely until any extra liquid runs off the bottom.
  • Risks of Overwatering: A frequent problem for many philodendrons is root rot, which may be caused by overwatering. Wilting, yellowing foliage, and an unpleasant soil odor are all indicators of root rot. To let extra water out, make sure your pot always has drainage holes.
  • Watering in Season: The plant will need more regular watering throughout the growth season (spring and summer), which might be as little as once a week or more often in hot weather. As the plant goes into dormant period in the winter, irrigation should be reduced.

Preferences for Soils

The Philodendron Spiritus Sancti’s health depends on the soil mix that is chosen. It needs a potting mix that drains well and holds onto some moisture without becoming mushy. Here’s something to think about:

  • Suggested Mix: The ideal conditions may be achieved by combining perlite, orchid bark, and peat-based potting soil. This mixture maintains enough moisture for the requirements of the plant while guaranteeing superior aeration and drainage.
  • Soil Condition: Compacted and nutrient-depleted soil may occur over time. Consider repotting the plant every few years or top-dressing with a new layer of potting mix to avoid this.

Humidity and Temperature

Your Philodendron Spiritus Sancti’s health depends on maintaining the proper humidity and temperature:

  • Ideal Temperatures: The ideal temperature range for this plant is 65°F (18°C) to 80°F (27°C). Any temperature exposure below 50°F (10°C) might cause stress to the plant and impede its ability to thrive.
  • Humidity Levels: High humidity, preferably between 60% and 80%, is preferred by the Philodendron Spiritus Sancti. Your plant may exhibit symptoms of stress or produce crispy leaf edges under low-humidity conditions.
  • Use a humidifier in the space where the plant is kept to raise the humidity level.
  • Occasionally misting the leaves may be beneficial, but a humidifier works better.
  • Because plants transpire to release moisture, grouping them together may produce a microenvironment.


For your Philodendron Spiritus Sancti to develop healthily, fertilization is essential:

  • Use: Apply a half-strength solution of a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer to your plant throughout the growth season (spring and summer). To promote the growth of lush leaves, look for a fertilizer that has a lot of nitrogen.
  • Timetable for Applications: When growth naturally slows down in the autumn and winter, fertilize once a month, with a progressively lower frequency. To avoid root burn, always water before fertilizing.

Propagating Spiritus Sancti Philodendron

Growing your collection of Philodendron Spiritus Sancti via propagation may be an interesting experience. Using healthy cuttings and creating ideal rooting conditions are essential for successful propagation.

Choosing Stem

  • Cuttings: To begin, choose a robust stem that has many leaves and at least one node, or the section of the stem where leaves affix.
  • Slice off the stem: Cut the stem 4–6 inches below the node using sterile scissors or pruning shears.
  • To root in water, put the cutting in a jar with the leaves above the water and the node below.
  • To encourage healthy root growth and avoid stagnation, change the water once a week.
  • Planting in Soil: As an alternative, you may put the cutting straight into a little pot that has been filled with the suggested potting mix. To promote development, keep the soil wet and the humidity level surrounding the cutting high.
  • Tracking Growth: Roots should start to take shape in four to six weeks. Multiple roots that are at least a few inches long will grow from a cutting that is effective. The new plant may now be moved into its permanent location.

Tips for Success

Make sure the cuttings you use are healthy; damaged or diseased stems won’t root well.
Sustaining high humidity is essential for effective proliferation. To simulate a little greenhouse, you may cover the pot with plastic wrap; however, make sure there is enough ventilation to avoid the growth of mold.

Repotting and Potting Spiritus Sancti Philodendron

To keep your Philodendron Spiritus Sancti healthy, repotting is essential. To get the best growth, it is essential to know when and how to repot.

 philodendron spiritus sancti

When to Repot

Usually, repotting is required every two or three years, or anytime you observe:

  • The drainage holes are sprouting roots.
  • When water collects on the earth’s surface, it means that the roots and soil are compressed.
  • stunted development, a sign that the plant is confined to its roots.

Choosing a Pot

Choose a pot that is one to two inches bigger than the one you have now. This makes it easier for the roots to spread out without being overgrown.

Steps for Repotting

  • Get the new pot ready: To create a foundation for the plant, cover the bottom with a layer of new potting mix.
  • Extract the Plant: Carefully remove the Philodendron Spiritus Sancti from its previous container. You may gently work it out or tap the edges if the plant is stuck.
  • Loosen Roots: To promote outward development, gently pry apart any firmly connected or circular roots.
  • Place the Plant: Make sure the top of the root ball is about an inch below the pot’s rim when you place the plant in the middle of the new pot. Add extra dirt, carefully compacting it around the roots.
  • Water Well: To aid in settling the dirt around the roots, water well after repotting. Good moisture contact is also guaranteed.

Typical Plant Diseases & Pests

Despite its relative resistance to pests, the Philodendron Spiritus Sancti is nonetheless vulnerable to a few common diseases and pests. What to look out for is as follows:

Typical Pests

  • Spider mites: These microscopic parasites have the potential to do a lot of harm. Look for little yellow dots and webbing on the leaves. Raise the humidity level, give the plant a water wash, or treat it with neem oil.
  • Mealybugs: Known for their cottony look, mealybugs have the ability to deplete the resources of your plant. Use an insecticidal soap spray or a cotton swab soaked in rubbing alcohol to remove them.
  • Scale Insects: Pests that resemble hard shells and may adhere to stems and foliage. They may be removed by scraping them off or using insecticidal soap.

Plant Diseases

  • Root Rot: Overwatering is the main cause of root rot, which results in mushy, discolored roots. Examine the roots and cut off any afflicted areas if you think there may be root rot. Reduce watering and repot in new, dry soil to give the plant time to heal.
  • Leaf Spot: Because of too much moisture, dark patches on leaves may indicate bacterial or fungal illnesses. Make sure there is enough air circulation and remove any impacted leaves right away to avoid this.

Typical Issues with Spiritus Sancti Philodendron

Knowing the typical issues with Philodendron Spiritus Sancti will enable you to troubleshoot and maintain the health of your plant.

Yellow Leaves

Yellowing leaves may be a sign of a number of problems:

  • Over-watering: Yellowing may result from suffocating the roots with too much water. Before watering, always make sure the soil is wet.
  • Lack of certain nutrients: Yellowing of the leaves may also result from a deficiency of vital nutrients, especially nitrogen.

Spots of Brown

Brown spots are often an indication of:

  • Sunburn: Your plant may have dark, scorched spots if it is exposed to direct sunlight. To avoid this damage, move it to a more shaded area.
  • Underwatering: Browning edges or patches on the leaves may result from dry soil. Make sure you follow a regular watering schedule.


Lack of light often results in a lanky look. To fix this:

  • Put your Philodendron Spiritus Sancti somewhere more light.
  • To guarantee balanced development, consider turning the plant often if the light levels are enough but it is still lanky.

Warning Regarding Spiritus Sancti Philodendron

Crystals of calcium oxalate, which are found in the Philodendron Spiritus Sancti, may be harmful if consumed. It may result in gastrointestinal upset, edema, or inflammation if ingested. Here are some safety guidelines:

  • Keep dogs and children away from the plant.
  • If poisoning does place, get help from a doctor if symptoms appear.
  • To prevent skin irritation, wash your hands after touching the plant.

Relevant Names

  • Name in science: Philodendron hastatum
  • Common Names: Because of its scarcity, it is hardly known by common names.


Factor Requirements
Light Bright, indirect light
Watering When top inch of soil is dry
Soil Well-draining, rich mix
Temperature 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C)
Humidity 60% to 80%
Fertilization Monthly in growing season



Any indoor garden will benefit greatly from the Philodendron Spiritus Sancti’s distinctive beauty and tropical touch. You can guarantee that this uncommon plant flourishes in your house by according to the right care instructions, which include the right amount of light, humidity, watering, and temperature. Because of its rarity, it is a popular option among collectors, and with a little care, it may give your living area a striking touch.


Q1: Why is philodendron spiritus-sancti expensive?

It’s not uncommon to find a specimen of this variety of philodendron selling for $500 to $5,000 or more. They are in high demand but they are very rare and very few are found left in the wild.

Q2: How rare is philodendron spiritus-sancti?

Philodendron spiritus-sancti is very rare and is considered endangered, as there are very few found left in their native habitat. There are more in cultivation than there are in the wild.

Q3: Where is philodendron spiritus-sancti native to?

Philodendron spiritus-sancti is native to Brazil, specifically the state of Espirito Santo. There are very few left in the wild.

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